NEW chapter - NEW beginnings - NEW dawn

Wow, that was some year we just left behind!!... I am grateful for the growth lessons 2010 brought with it on so many levels, yet on a personal note so incredibly relieved and happy it is behind me for good!!

I am claiming back my creative power and re-engaging in ''things'' that I am passionate about, or in other words, re-engaging in LIFE. Feels like I've emerged out of this cocoon which I've been trapped in for way too long, and it feels great! I mean, seriously, I've even been incapable of producing one little blog post since last May, let alone take pictures (other than a few of my daughter), write,  or do anything interior design related. Well, no more :)!

I am so ready and excited for this NEW year and just know that it will be an amazing experience!!

''If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.''   Lao-Tzu

BRING IT ON 2011 !!

images from and Google images


 ''A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future. You must break out of your current comfort zone and become comfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown.''    Denis Waitley


Let's all have a magnificent year and make it the best one we've ever experienced :)!!

Take care,

1 comment:

  1. Vad härligt att du är tillbaka! Hoppas att du har det härligt gott! Kram Jackie
