The Fairy Nest

This is my little daughter's "fairy nest" or "keijunpesä" as I call it.

As you can see, her room is a haven of polka dot-, gingham-, stripe- and flower patterns along with heart and star shapes.... among other things :)

If you look really closely you can make out the little red-haired fairy girl sitting on the shelf. She was a present from my mother - a fairy girl to a fairy girl :)

Door-board I made for Noa. The "My room" heart frame is from Riviera Maison and the crown hooks are a gift from my sister. The two little hanging girl figures Noa and I chose together :)
This I made too. Could have bought a simpler version ready-made, but wanted to try it out myself first

This banner was a birthday gift from our neighbour lady who also likes being creative
Found this star in the wonderful "At Home"- shop located in our village
The heart pillow cover I bought once in Malmö when visiting my sister. The two adorable bunny girls are from the wonderful webshop "Talo Maalla"
I put Noa's old baby dress to good use when turning it into a lamp shade
These pretty angel wings were a gift to Noa from my sister who's also Noa's god-mother. I got to open the present on Christmas Eve in 2003 when the little one was still inhabiting my belly, approximately one week before she was born (on January 2nd)

These cute and decorative cones are from GreenGate. Some I've bought in the "At Home"- shop nearby us and a few I've ordered from the Finnish webshop "Talo Maalla"

I know you can easily buy these notice boards, but as I'm into making stuff myself I decided to give it a go. I think it turned out pretty good even if I say so myself :)

The frame is also bought on one of my trips to Malmö, and the heart is actually a simple paper napkin which I thought was so pretty I just had to frame it
The cute teddy bear is one of the many gifs from my sister. I love the text in the heart: "Horizon of Hope 2004", especially as that is the year in which my daughter was born :).

The cover sheet I made myself. Also my first attempt at sewing something like this. I still remember; I was busy with it for two long evenings, of which the latter one turned into night. With the help of loud music (Tiësto to be exact) and good red wine I turned out surprising myself :).
I love GreenGate products. The crown is yet another nice gift from my sister :)
Angels are welcome here door-hanger. Also a gift from my sister
Thought this text was quite appropriate as she indeed is a little sleeping beauty when she's off to dreamland :)
I love this heart frame. Also a purchase from the "At Home" store
This Holly Hobby painting I already had hanging in my own room when I was a little girl. I was so happy to find it stored and still in excellent condition on the attic of our summer cottage last summer. The old frame was really ugly though, so I put a new frame and added some Nona-touches in the area between the frame and the picture. Now it's as good as new!
Well, I must admit that my first introduction to Noa's room became "slightly" more elaborate than I first had planned. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy it :)!


  1. SÅ himla fina bilder...jag förstår att Noa älskar sitt rum. Har du tänkt på att starta eget och erbjuda inrednings tips till andra - du har verkligen en unik talang.

  2. Hey Noon, you "creabea" Quite impressed with your home-made stuff and the pictures, who knew! Looks very career move?

  3. Ihana keijunpesä pienellä prinsessallasi ;-) Mukavaa pääsiäistä!


  4. What a lovely room. I get really inspired of it! You have a very nice blog!

    Many regards Raquel

  5. Oi, mikä ihana huone! Isot plussat siitä ettei kaikkea ole ostettu valmiina, ja ennenkaikkea siitä, että olet taidokkaasti käytellyt eri värejä, ettei huone ole vain sellainen vaaleanpunainen kermakarkki!
